Model and simulation of a real water distribution network to support emergency plans

  • Luisa Lavalle  ,
  • Tatiana Patriarca  ,
  • Bernard Daulne  , 
  • Olivier Hautier  , 
  • Ester Ciancamerla  
  • abeENEA – Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
  • cdSWDE – Société Wallonne Des Eaux
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Lavalle L., Patriarca T., Daulne B., Hautier O., Ciancamerla E. (2018). Model and simulation of a real water distribution network to support emergency plans. Proceedings of the 8th International Defence and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2018), pp. 29-38. DOI:
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This paper presents a water distribution network model to evaluate the impact of adverse events, such as faults and/or cyber-attacks, on a real water distribution system in a wider context which involves the interdependency with the electrical grid, in the frame of the Horizon 2020 project ATENA. The model has been developed by using a commercial simulator, which can address both the electrical and the water domain. Specific features and modules have been added to the simulator, in order to calculate the water level in tanks – an important and missing metric to support emergence plans. The interdependency among the electricity grid and the water network is considered throughout pumps, which are at the same time electrical loads and hydraulic devices. Two use cases, dealing with faults or cyber-attacks against the electrical grid affecting critical pumps or treatment stations, are investigated and the simulation results are reported.


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