Parallel simulation of the N-body problem using Quad-Tree HLPC

  • Mario Rossainz-López  ,
  • Manuel I. Capel   ,
  • E. Álvarez Martínez   ,
  • Ivo Pineda Torres  
  • aFaculty of Computer Science, Autonomous University of Puebla, San Claudio Avenue and South 14th Street,
    San Manuel, Puebla, Puebla, 72000, México
  • bSoftware Engineering Department, College of Informatics and Telecommunications ETSIIT,
    University of Granada, Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, Granada 18071, Spain
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Rossainz López M., Capel M.I., Álvarez Martínez E., Pineda Torres I. (2018). Parallel simulation of the N-body problem using Quad-Tree HLPC. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 12-20. DOI:


This work proposes the use of Parallel Objects using the model of High Level Parallel Compositions (HLPC) to implement a proposal for parallel simulation of the Nbody Problem using the communication pattern between processes N-Tree under the HLPC Model. Particularly the implementation of the partitioning strategy divide and conquer as part of HLPC using the object orientation paradigm is shown. A HLPC comes from the composition of a set three object types: An object manager that represents the HLPC itself and makes an encapsulated abstraction out of it that hides the internal structure. The object manager controls a set of objects references, which address the object Collector and several Stage objects and represent the HLPC components whose parallel execution is coordinated by the object manager. With the strategy divide and conquer as HLPC the parallel processing technique NTree is used to parallelize sequential code that solve problems that can be partitioned by divide and conquer a N-ary Tree such the N-body problem that concerns with determining the effects of forces between ""bodies"". A case study of the N-body problem in terms of particles charged according to Coloumb’s electrostatic law is shown, which is solved with the implementation of a new HLPC: the Quad-Tree HLPC. Finally the performance analysis of this implementation is shown comparing them with its corresponding sequential implementations to demonstrate their usefulness: programmability and performance.


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