Including co-simulation in modeling and simulation tool for supporting risk management in industrial context

  • Simon Gorecki  ,
  • Youssef Bouanan   , 
  • Judicael Ribault  , 
  • Gregory Zacharewicz   , 
  • Nicolas Perry  
  • a , b , c, d Univ. Bordeaux, Lab. IMS, UMR CNRS 5218, 33400, Talence, France, (e)Arts et métiers, ParisTech, ENSAM of Bordeaux, France
Cite as
Gorecki S., Bouanan Y., Ribault J., Zacharewicz G., Perry N. (2018). Including co-simulation in modeling and simulation tool for supporting risk management in industrial context. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 143-149. DOI:


Due to increasing complexity of engineered system of systems, development of software to design and support them must tend to be more and more concurrent and distributed. To more easily tackle these systems design, global problem is decomposed into several sub-ones where each sub problem is allocated and solved by different contributors. Each participant develops a fragment of the global solution that need after to be integrated with other ones. In this paper we present an extension to the UML/BPMN modeling and simulation tool: Papyrus. This module allows to factor complex tasks during the modelling step and simulation execution process. In detail, we propose to add risk management and other potential interruptions features to BPMN models and Simulation. This is made possible according to Functional Mock-up Interface standard, a cosimulation standard that define how to orchestrate components while simulation execution process.


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