Complex nested simulations within simulators reflecting railway traffic

  • Roman Diviš  ,
  • Antonín Kavička  
  • a , bUniversity of Pardubice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
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Diviš R., Kavička A. (2018). Complex nested simulations within simulators reflecting railway traffic. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 178-186. DOI:


Nested simulations present a general method suitable for use in realizing a multi-trajectory simulation or as a decision support in a simulator. The principle of nested simulation (as a decision support) is to find a solution to a problem using other time-limited simulations which verify alternative options. After the nested simulations have finished, the solutions of individual alternatives are assessed and the best solution is applied to the main simulation. The aim of the article is to extend nested simulation capabilities to support multiple replications (of one scenario) and recursion (solving conflicts in nested simulation). A comparison of results (different parameterizations of nested simulations) will be presented with respect to the quality and computational complexity of the results.


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