Ultra-wideband radio-beam direction finder based on microwave photonics and all-optical processing

  • Mikhail E. Belkin  ,
  • Tatiana N. Bakhvalova  ,
  • Igor V. Gladyshev  , 
  • Alexander S. Sigov  
  • MIREA - Russian Technological University, Scientific and Technological Center “Integrated Microwave Photonics”,
    Moscow, Russian Federation
Cite as
Belkin M.E., Bakhvalova T.N., Gladyshev I.V., Sigov A.S. (2018). Ultra-wideband radio-beam direction finder based on microwave photonics andall-optical processing. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 265-268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2018.emss.036


We propose an upgrading design approach to an ultrawideband radio-beam direction finder based on microwave photonics and all-optical processing. The validity and accuracy of its operation principle are analyzed in detail and optimized by the simulation using a special photonic computer-aided design tool VPIphotonics Design Suite. As a result of the calculations it was obtained that the dynamic range of the measurement can exceed 10 dB even at a comparatively low power of the laser emitter and that accuracy at the level of units of degrees is provided without problems using the simplest method of determining the direction of arrival by scanning the delay in the optical path.


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