Modeling multi-core fiber-optic waveguide

  • Mikhail E. Belkin  ,
  • Vladislav Golovin  ,
  • Yuri Tyschuk  , 
  • Alexander S. Sigov  
  • aMIREA - Russian Technological University, Scientific and Technological Center “Integrated Microwave Photonics”, Moscow, Russian Federatio
  • bSevastopol State University (SevSU), Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Cite as
Belkin M.E., Golovin V., Tyschuk Y., Sigov A.S. (2018). Modeling multi-core fiber-optic waveguide. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 269-273. DOI:


In this work, a numerical and experimental investigation have been performed about the influence in the tonal noise-pressure level at the blade pass frequency of the additional components that are placed downstream a centrifugal blower in a refrigeration system of an induction cooktop. Four scenarios have been analysed by means of computational fluid dynamic software, evaluating the variation of pressure in time at the volute-tongue area and the results have been compared in a qualitative manner with the experimental acoustic measurements.


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