Simulation of an automotive Supply Chain in Simio: data model validation

  • António AC Vieira  ,
  • Luís MS Dias  , 
  • Maribel Y Santos  , 
  • Guilherme AB Pereira  , 
  • José A Oliveira   
  • Department of Production and Systems, ALGORITMI Research centre, University of Minho
  • b,Department of Information Systems, ALGORITMI Research centre, University of Minho
Cite as
AC Vieira A., MS Dias L., Santos M.Y., AB Pereira G., A Oliveira J. (2018). Simulation of an automotive Supply Chain in Simio: data model validation. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 294-301. DOI:


This paper presents a simulation model of the supply chain of a company of the automotive industry. The purpose of this paper is to use the presented model to validate the considered set of variables that we think are relevant to the problem. This approach was important as it allowed to consider a set of variables that could
have been ignored if a different approach had been followed. It should be stressed that, due to privacy concerns, real data was not used, but rather random distributions assigned by the modeler. Notwithstanding,
by recognizing that, for the data used, the outputs are in accordance to what happens in the real system, the
authors concluded that the set of variables can be considered as validated. Yet, it is still necessary to further complement the model with additional available variables that were not included at this stage, due to its complexity, e.g., customer demand variability, uncertainty associated to suppliers’ and impact of external events, such as transportation delays.


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