Data modelling approach for physical systems

  • Stefanie Winkler   ,
  • Andreas Körner  ,
  • Felix Breitenecker  
  • a, b, c Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien
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Winkler S., Körner A., Breitenecker F. (2018). Data modelling approach for physical systems. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 310-315. DOI:


This contribution deals with the possible applications of neural networks for hybrid models. After a basic introduction to neural networks and hybrid modelling some applications are discussed. On the one hand, the substitutability of hybrid models is up for debate. On the other hand, the possibility of combining neural networks with physical models, e.g. for determining individual parameters, are focused. In the end the discussed approaches are applied and compared using a fundamental example.


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