Modeling and environmental assessment of structural solutions for a singlefamily home

  • Esteban Fraile-Garcia   ,
  • Javier Ferreiro-Cabello  ,
  • M del Mar Villamil  , 
  • Emilio Jimenez Macias  
  • a  University of La Rioja (Spain), Department of Mechanical Engineering, ScoDIP Group
  • University of La Rioja (Spain), Department of Electrical Engineering, Modeling and Simulation in Science and Engineering Group
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Fraile-Garcia E., Ferreiro-Cabello J., del Mar Villamil M., Jimenez Macias E. (2018). Modeling and environmental assessment of structural solutions for a single family home. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 331-335. DOI:


This article analyzes the impact of different structural solutions for single-family homes on the environment 
following a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology for different construction elements in its early stages, the product and construction phase. We have divided the construction stage into transportation and installation, according to UNE-EN 115804: 2012. The analysis was carried out using two indicators of environmental impact, the energy incorporated in MJ and the equivalent CO2 emissions. For the case study, a single-family detached house has been proposed. The study is focused on three representative items: foundation, structure and floors. Two cases have been made combining different construction elements. As a modeling tool, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D have been used together with databases that provide unit costs and environmental indicators for materials. A reflection is made on two models with structural alternatives, justifying the need to delve into multicriteria methods as an aid to decision making.


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