How do travellers decide: a stochastic modelling approach to determine decision factor significance

  • Faboya T. Olusola  ,
  • Peer-Olaf Siebers   ,
  • Brendan Ryan  , 
  • Grazziela P. Figueredo  
  • a , b, d School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Cite as
"Olusola F.T., Siebers P., Ryan B., Figueredo G.P. (2018). How do travellers decide: a stochastic modelling approach to determine decision factor significance. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 361-370. DOI:"


Many factors are involved in travellers’ mode choice decision processes. Such factors include individuals' physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, which play a significant role in travellers’ attitude and mode usage
patterns. Understanding how important each of these factors is to individuals, as well as understanding their
impact on travellers’ behaviour in general, will assist policymakers to provide appropriate interventions when
necessary. To gain this understanding, we propose to use a stochastic modelling, supported by a fuzzy inference system. In this paper, we describe our approach and demonstrate it with the help of a case study, looking at cyclists and car users in the context of travelling to and from a university. The aim is to understand which of the travel requirements (physical, cognitive, and affective) is considered most when people are planning for their journey, and to understand the level of efforts regarding the three factors required to make use of their mode. The results show that both sets of travellers engage more with their cognitive aspect during journey planning, but cyclists have a higher cognitive share as a result of optimising safe routes to the university.


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