MS2G as pillar for developing strategic engineering as a new discipline for complex problem solving

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone  
  • Simulation Team, DIME University of Genoa
Cite as
Bruzzone A.G. (2018). MS2G as pillar for developing strategic engineering as a new discipline for
complex problem solving. Proceedings of the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2018), pp. 405-411. DOI:


The mathematical algorithm and fitting method for measuring optical parameters (refractive index, extinction coefficient as well as thickness of layers) of multilayer thin-film structures using prism coupling technique is proposed. The algorithm works well both in the low and high coupling limits. It is valid for dielectric and metallic films and takes into account the variation of refractive index and extinction coefficient of the film in the direction normal to the film plane. The efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by measuring optical parameters of the metal-dielectric structure, which includes copper film on quart substrate, isolating sapphire film, light-guiding polymer film with embedded electro-optical chromophores and semitransparent conducting Cu cap layer. The proposed algorithm and fitting method can be used for measuring electro-optical coefficients in thin films.


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