Thermo hydraulic pseudo bond graph based modeling of a centrifugal pump-pipe system with experimental analysis

  • b M. Kebdani  , 
  • G.Dauphin-Tanguy  ,
  •  b A. Dazin 
  • aEcole Centrale de Lille/ CRIStAL UMR CNRS 9189, CS 20048, 59651 Villeneuve d’Ascq. France
  • bArts et Métiers Paris Tech/ LML UMR CNRS 8107, Boulevard Louis XIV, 59000 Lille. France
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Kebdani M., Dauphin-Tanguy G., Dazin A. (2018). Thermo hydraulic pseudo bond graph based modeling of a centrifugal pumppipe system with experimental analysis. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation (IMAACA 2018), pp. 1-8. DOI:


The emergence of electrical energy is closely related to the use of power. However, the temperature of electronics could be compared to those encountered by a shuttle nose when entering the atmosphere and requires a thermal management. The technology investigated in this paper is original because able to evacuate important heat flux. The proposed system is named Biphasic Fluid Loop Mechanically Pumped (BFLMP) with a transport capacity of the thermal power up to 10 MW.m, exceeding in this way the performance of all known technologies. This paper begins with a description of the test rig of the BFLMP and its instrumentation. The second part of the paper is a detailed study of the thermo hydraulic behavior of the pump-pipe system. The proposed model is based on the bond graph theory because of its energetic approach and the multi-physics character of the studied system. A validation test is launched using water with regulation temperature at the pressurizer set at 60°C, the temperature of the secondary circuit is regulated at 37°C, a power crenel of 400 W has been applied on the evaporator. Results are discussed in a last part; the model shows up good agreement with the experimental results. The volumetric pump studied in this work is original because it was specially designed and manufactured to equip the BFLMP developed in collaboration with the research laboratory CRIStAL. This pump has been patented. Also, this centrifugal machine has been tested and has been characterized. Its performance curves are obtained and used in the model proposed in this paper. In addition, the proposed algorithm models the pump using a resistive bond graph element R.


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