Control of a mobile robotic manipulator: a combined design approach

  • ab Martín Crespo  , 
  • ab Matías Nacusse  ,
  • a Sergio Junco  , 
  • c Vitalram Rayankula  ,
  • c Pushparaj Mani Pathak 
  • aLaboratorio de Automatización y Control (LAC), Departamento de Control, FCEIA, UNR. Rosario, Argentina
  • bCONICET: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina
  • cDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
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Crespo M., Nacusse M., Junco S., Rayankula V., Mani Pathak P. (2018). Control of a mobile robotic manipulator: a combined design approach. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation (IMAACA 2018), pp. 53-62. DOI:


This paper focuses on the problem of reducing via control actions the interaction between the mobile platform and the arm in a mobile robot equipped with a redundant planar manipulator. It is solved maintaining the mobile base as immobile as possible once it has been moved to a desired position, which serves to a double purpose. On the one hand, it helps keeping fixed the workspace of the manipulator, as predefined in the world coordinates, in order for the end-effector being able to reach the points where it has to perform its tasks. On the other hand, as this reduces the disturbances that the otherwise moving base would introduce on the arm movement, this serves to improve the precision in the execution of whatever task the end-effector has to perform. The problem is solved via a combination of operational space control to solve the arm tip trajectory tracking problem and energy-shaping and damping assignment to restrict the movement of the mobile base. The latter is achieved using a backstepping technique in the Bond Graph domain which emulates dissipation and stiffness at the base wheels coordinates through the control of the DC motors actuating them. Simulation results show the good performance of the control system.


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