Simulation study on the influence of leaflet shape on blood flow through mechanical artificial heart valve

  • Chatpon Sukta 
  • Pichitra Uangpairoj 
  • School of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
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Sukta C., Uangpairoj P. (2018). Simulation study on the influence of leaflet shape on blood flow through mechanical artificial heart valve. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2018), pp. 22-26. DOI:


This study mainly focuses on the influence of leaflet shape of mechanical heart valve on the characteristics of blood flow through the valve. A three dimensional study was undertaken to investigate the velocity profile and characteristics of blood flow through fully opened flat bi-leaflet, flat tri-leaflet, downward concave trileaflet, and upward concave tri-leaflet heart valves. The k-ω turbulent model in FLUENT was applied to analyze unsteady incompressible blood flow. As the results of computational simulation, the maximum velocity is found at the central orifice between the leaflets of bileaflet valve and at the orifice between the leaflets and housing of tri-leaflet valves. The concave leaflet valve generates larger circulation and higher maximum velocity than the flat leaflet valves. Meanwhile, the maximum velocity of the flow through the flat tri-leaflet valve is lower than that through the flat bi-leaflet valve. Therefore, the flat tri-leaflet is promising to reduce blood flow circulation and minimize the thrombus formation.


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