DEXHELPP health care atlas of Austria

  • Matthias Wastian 
  • Matthias Rößler 
  • Irene Hafner 
  • d  Christoph Urach  ,
  • Nadine Weibrecht 
  • Niki Popper 
  • Gottfried Endel 
  • Michael Gyimesi  
  • a,b,c,d dwh GmbH, Neustiftgasse 57-59. 1070 Vienna, Austria
  • e,f DEXHELPP, Neustiftgasse 57-59. 1070 Vienna, Austria
  • Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Haidingergasse 1. 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Stubenring 6. 1010 Vienna, Austria
Cite as
Wastian M., Rößler M., Hafner I., Urach C., Weibrecht N., Popper N., Endel G., Gyimesi M. (2018). DEXHELPP health care atlas of Austria. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2018), pp. 57-62. DOI:


Publicly available data that the Austrian medical associations of the nine Austrian provinces, the socalled Ärztekammern, publish on their respective home page gets scraped, processed and finally saved in a database on the DEXHELPP research server for further analyses. The processing is done in such a way that questions about the supply effectiveness of medical practitioners in Austria can be answered as comfortably as possible. The scraping is repeated periodically to facilitate carrying out a historiography and to investigate the chronological sequence of the answers to many questions of interest regarding the Austrian health care system. Results are published in the DEXHELPP health care atlas using dynamic and interactive D3 visualisations. Thus, the DEXHELPP health care atlas provides insights to local imbalances regarding for example specialisations, opening hours, sex or foreign languages offered by the Austrian medical practitioners. It will also be able to depict systemic changes over time.


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