A study on simulation for capability assessment and safety: mitigating the impact of neurodegenerative diseases

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone 
  • Paolo Fadda 
  • Marina Massei  
  • Gianfranco Fancello 
  • Kirill Sinelshchikov  
  • Antonio Padovano  
  • a,c,e Simulation Team, University of Genoa, Italy
  • b,d DICAAR, Cagliari University
  • Simulation Team, UNICAL
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Bruzzone A.G., Fadda P., Massei M., Fancello G., Sinelshchikov K., Padovano A. (2018). A study on simulation for capability assessment and safety: mitigating the impact of neurodegenerative diseases. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2018), pp. 71-76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2018.iwish.012


The present study is aimed to broaden progressive methodologies developed to improve road traffic safety while addressing essential aspects like population aging and diffusion of neuro-degenerative diseases. Nowadays, enabling technologies dealing with Simulation, Serious Games, Biomedical Devices and Neurology continuously improve. This research proposes to use these advances to set up an experimentation and to measure the potential in assessing drivers capabilities. Furthermore, the study offers a methodological solution to diffuse these criteria and provide recommendations for controlling the phenomena, which would allow to reduce injuries and even support design of new aids and solutions for drivers in those conditions.


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