Cash and voucher impact factor in humanitarian aid: a system dynamic analysis

  • Fahimeh Allahi 
  • b Roberto Revetria  ,
  • c Roberto Cianci  
  • a Wolfson Department, University of Loughborough, Loughborough, UK
  • b,c DIME, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
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Allahi F., Revetria R., Cianci R. (2018). Cash and voucher impact factor in humanitarian aid: a system dynamic analysis. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2018), pp. 106-112. DOI:


Natural and man-made disasters seem unpredictable every year, increasing a wide range of universal sufferers. Several people are affected by the direct outcomes of these disasters, and their life depends on disaster relief aid administered by humanitarian organizations. Recently, there has been renewed interest in cash distribution in the humanitarian sector during disaster relief to increase access of vulnerable people to supporting services such as health or education and develop their life’s condition while rising the efficiency of humanitarian organizations committed to the program. The research proposes a casual-loop and system dynamic model to assess multi aspects of related impact factors to provide optimal support to beneficiaries. The model provides a decision-making framework with a high-level overview of the interactions between the economy, education, health, and the psychological aspects of recipient’s life, provide a system dynamics analysis including relationships that could have led to improve the vulnerable people's condition life.


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