Approach to evaluating and planning industrial laundries by using discrete event simulation and performance measurement system

  • David Weigert 
  • b Frank Ryll ,
  • c Marcel Müller 
  • a,b Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Magdeburg (Germany)
  • c Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg (Germany)
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Weigert D., Ryll F., Müller M. (2018). Approach to evaluating and planning industrial laundries by using discrete event simulation and performance measurement system. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2018), pp. 159-167. DOI:


Insufficient basic data, increasingly complex customer and product structures and a lack of transparency in the process structure increase the amount of laundry items in circulation, reduce machine utilization, delay deliveries and increase the error frequency. Competition is making it essential for laundries to operate quickly, reliably and cost effectively. The often non-transparent internal processes further worsen the economic situation of the companies. The evaluation of laundries based on logistic key figures has been solved individually and cumbersome until today. The reason is the partial lack of ability to determine the logistic performance indicator. The article presents on the one hand the implementation of a simulation study for the determination of the order of orders as well as the increase of the transparency by the development of a logistic performance measurement system using logistic indicators and characteristics.


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