Guidelines for reliability allocation methods

  • Luca Silvestri 
  • b Domenico Falcone ,
  • c Giuseppina Belfiore 
  • a Niccolò Cusano University, 00166 Roma (RM) – Italy
  • b,c Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio - Italy
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Silvestri L., Falcone D., Belfiore G. (2018). Guidelines for reliability allocation methods. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2018), pp. 191-198. DOI:


The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on reliability allocation and to propose a guideline to choice the most suitable allocation method, in respect to desired goals and available resources. The proposed review systematically analyzes allocation methods in literature, determining main features and the area of application. The choice of a reliability allocation method depends on several factors and, moreover, the considered design stage. However, in literature there is a lack of a comprehensive methods’ summarization, making it difficult to choose the most suitable strategy. New criteria for the classification are also highlighted. Furthermore, reliability allocation methods become ever more complex and accurate, in particular trough the employment of advanced mathematical tools. The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of frequently-used allocation methods and a proper summarization through various criteria. Additionally, it points out opportunities for future research.


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