Motostudent and the reality-virtuality continuum 

  • Héctor Olmedo  
  • bKarle Olalde  
  • Independent researcher
  • Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Cite as
H. Olmedo, K. Olalde (2018). Motostudent and the reality-virtuality continuum . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 1-10. DOI:


In university engineering education there are usually many problems to obtain a spatial ability of the student,
especially in the first courses. So, we have dared to raise other resources that facilitate spatial ability through
models in three dimensions (3D) easy to reach by the student and easy to manipulate to obtain a better vision
of all their geometry and functionalities. Through the augmented reality (AR) and the virtual reality (VR), we
can obtain using open software, different projections and visualizations of the bodies that are generated in an
assembly as is the case of Final Degree Projects or projects that students voluntarily perform, as is the case
of Motostudent. This is done through the publication of web pages and viewers that allow to see the objects or in this case the pieces in 3D with the ability to manipulate them as if we had them in hand


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