Augmented reality: modernizing rural education in India

  • Nikhil  
  • bPreeti Sangamesh   
  • cSandesh B J  
  • abcDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering PESIT Bangalore South Campus Bang
Cite as
N. Sawlani, P. Sangamesh, B.J. Sandesh (2018). Augmented reality: modernizing rural education in India. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 11-17. DOI:


The rapid evolution of technology has changed the face of education, especially when technology was combined with adequate pedagogical foundations. In this paper we are trying to answer the following question: is Augmented Reality an enhancer for Rural Education in India? For this purpose, we define augmented reality and present a state of the art mapped mainly by studies that focus AR in educational contexts. We also describe our research, including methodological aspects in data collection and the creation of 3D contents in AR for the purpose of education in high school level. This combination has created new opportunities for improving the quality of teaching and learning experiences. Until recently, Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the latest technologies that offer a new way to educate. Due to the rising popularity of mobile devices globally, the widespread use of AR on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets has become a growing phenomenon. Therefore, this paper reviews several literatures concerning the information about mobile augmented reality and exemplify the potentials
for education.


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