The use of virtual reality training application to increase the effectiveness of workshops in the field of lean manufacturing

  • Paweł Buń  
  • bJustyna Trojanowska   
  • cVitalii Ivanov   
  • Ivan Pavlenko  
  • a,Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Chair of Management and
    Production Engineering
  • Sumy State University, Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies, Department of
    Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools
  • Sumy State University, Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies, Department of General
    Mechanics and Machine Dynamics
Cite as
P. Buń, J. Trojanowska, V. Ivanov, I. Pavlenko (2018). The use of virtual reality training application to increase the effectiveness of workshops in the field of lean manufacturing. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 65-71. DOI:


The aim of the research is to check whether the use of VR will allow reducing the time needed to prepare students for workshop classes - simulation of the assembly process. The acquisition of manual skills or procedural knowledge about the manual assembly tasks is not the main goal of the workshop classes, but it is
required to efficiently perform the classes. The traditional approach of teaching students how to assemble products during workshops was not time effective. In order to improve the quality of classes, the authors decided to use new, low-cost VR devices that were recently developed, in a training application, which can be used by students before classes. Initial research carried out among students of the Poznan University of Technology indicate that the use of the VR application for operator training will shorten the time to prepare students for simulation by about 75%, which will positively affect the efficiency of the workshop classes. It should also be emphasized that students who prepare for classes using the VR application are trained to work at all assembly positions, which eliminates organizational problems that arise when changing roles during subsequent rounds of simulation.


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