Knowledge exchange using holograms in the Teaching Factory concept

  • Anna Karvouniari  
  • bDimitris Mavrikios  
  • cKosmas Alexopoulos  
  • Konstantinos Georgoulias  
  • Sotiris Makris  
  • George Michalos  
  • George Chryssolouris  
  • a,b,c, d,e,f,Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, 26504, Patras, Greece
Cite as
A. Karvouniari, D. Mavrikios, K. Alexopoulos, K. Georgoulias, S. Makris, G. Michalos, G. Chryssolouris (2018). Knowledge exchange using holograms in the Teaching Factory concept. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 78-82. DOI:


Industrial production systems as well as manufactured products are constantly evolving due to new technologies and customer demands. Towards ensuring an optimized co-evolution of both, the concept of Teaching Factory uses advanced ICTs and high-grade industrial didactic equipment to operate as a non geographically anchored learning “space”. In this context, we propose a novel collaborative framework utilizing holograms in aid of exchanging new technologies and manufacturing concepts between remotely located factories and classrooms in real time. The proposed approach will enable for the visualization of a complex CAD model or advanced tool in real dimensions in the laboratory, as well as the interaction with the holograms. From the industrial side, it will enable the use of simple mobile devices to navigate between components and views and display annotations. To support this setup, a prototype has been implemented and integrated involving a holographic system, a low-cost finger tracking device and a mobile device so as to exchange information in real time by intuitively manipulating CAD models during a live session.


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