Conceptual model of augmented reality use for improving the perception skills of seniors

  • Egils Ginters   
  • b Martins Puspurs 
  • Igors Griscenko  
  • Davis Dumburs 
  • Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Group, Department of Modelling and Simulation, Faculty of Computer Science
    and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, 2 Daugavgrivas Street, Riga LV-1048, Latvia
Cite as
E. Ginters, M. Puspurs, I. Griscenko, D. Dumburs (2018). Conceptual model of augmented reality use for improving the perception skills of seniors. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 128-138. DOI:


If we believe in statistical data, unless skilled labour resources in EC will not be updated on migration, the problems expect pension beneficiaries' and other socially protected groups that are jointly supported by workers. It is important to be aware of the challenges that are expected and to keep skilled professionals in the labour market as long as possible, compensating for loss of job capacity and enabling skills development through the use of ICTE and the global area of information. The study aims at establishing a conceptual set of
requirements for augmented reality (AR) applications for the preservation and development of older communications capabilities. The human physical body is aging with time, i.e. worsening memory, perception and functionality. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) applications are associated with the first two elements: memory and perception. Data search and recall functions are associated with memory, but with sensory organs - vision, hearing, touch and taste. The article looks at, above all, vision and memory related issues. Today, there is a diverse, complex and poorly adaptable, as well as functionally limited but relatively expensive VR/AR equipment, whose sustainability is debatable. The analysis of the situations covered by the article makes it possible to design a conceptual model for the logical structure of the application, which is the
justification for further selection of technical equipment and the construction of the physical structure of the socio-technical system.


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