Virtual Skill Teacher – platform for effective learning of technical skills

  • Filip Gorski  
  • bPrzemyslaw Zawadzki  
  • cPawel Bun  
  • abcPoznan University of technology
Cite as
F. Gorski, P. Zawadzki, P. Bun (2018). Virtual Skill Teacher – platform for effective learning of technical skills. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 171-176. DOI:


The paper presents development and test procedure of a Virtual Reality system for training of hard, technical skills necessary in an industrial company. The prototype system allows learning of theory and practice of forklift operation. Basic ideas, methodology of system creation, concepts of a virtual course and its test procedure are presented, along with obtained results


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