Virtual Quality Toolbox – learning of quality management in immersive environment

  • Filip Gorski  
  • b Beata Starzynska  
  • cPawel Bun  
  • Agnieszka Kujawinska  
  • abcdPoznan University of technology
Cite as
F. Gorski, B. Starzynska, P. Bun, A. Kujawinska (2018). Virtual Quality Toolbox – learning of quality management in immersive environment. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 177-182. DOI:


The paper presents development and test procedure of a Virtual Reality system for training of soft skills necessary in a production company. The prototype system allows learning of seven basic quality management tools in immersive environment, which is a revolutionary, experimental advancement from the traditional teaching methods. Basic ideas, concepts of a virtual course and its test procedure is presented, along with obtained results.


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