Virtual reality application for presurgical support in urology

  • Magdalena Zukowska  
  • bFilip Gorski  
  • cPawel Bun  
  • Gabirel Brominski  
  • abcPoznan University of Technology, Chair of Management and Production Engineering
  • Poznan University of Medical Science, Chair of Urology
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M. Zukowska, F. Gorski, P. Bun, G. Brominski (2018). Virtual reality application for presurgical support in urology. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 183-187. DOI:


The paper presents results of tests on applying Virtual Reality in presurgical planning in procedure of partial nephrectomy (removing a tumor while leaving the rest of the kidney). The aim of studies was acquainted surgeon to the virtual anatomical model of patient’s kidney with a tumor and also familiarized doctors with relation between parts of the organ (blood vessels, body of kidney (kidney cortex) and tumor). For better support, application included manual adjustment of transparency and option of separation selected part. Surgeon could scope the organ out, look inside of kidney and estimate chances for partial nephrectomy, plan the procedure and learn about patient’s individual anatomy of the organ. The main issue in this studies is presurgicaly support which until now based on medical imaging and diagnostics. Virtual Reality and Augumented Reality created a completely new view at preparing before operations.


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