Virtual reality and augmented reality low cost: an experience of heritage education in primary school

  • Demetrius Lacet  
  • bIsis Fernandes Braga  
  • cJuliana Lemos Lacet  
  • MSc in Informatic. Assistant professor at Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ) – Brazil
  • PHD in Science - PEC/COPPE/UFRJ and PHD in Fine Arts EBA/CLA/UFRJ. Professor at EBA/UFRJ – Brazil
  • MSc in Science - Historician and researcher - Brazil
Cite as
D. Lacet, I. Fernandes Braga, J. Lemos Lacet (2018). Virtual reality and augmented reality low cost: an experience of heritage education in primary school. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of The Virtual And Augmented Reality In Education (VARE 2018), pp. 198-202. DOI:


Preserving the historical and cultural heritage is one of the ways to safeguard the memory of a period of history, especially regarding to architectural monuments. Throughout the world there are cities with historic buildings or monuments to visit and one of the great challenges is to make residents aware of the value and representativeness of these constructions for the preservation of the local culture. In this context heritage education should start early with initiatives involving elementary school children. Nowadays children have access to technological devices such as smartphones or tablets from a very early age, and therefore, the use of these resources can be valid to aid in heritage education. That is why some alternatives have been researched to offer virtual visits through some device or technological resource. Several companies have developed equipment capable of simulating virtual environments or superimposing information in the real world with great quality, but with very high prices. Undergraduate students in Architecture of the University Center of João Pessoa - UNIPÊ and public elementary school students worked together on this project, developed considering the use of low cost equipment, printed on 3D printers and using free software. 


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