Deep learning of virtual-based aerial images: increasing the fidelity of serious games for live training

  • Dean Reed  ,
  • Troyle Thomas  ,
  • Shane Reynolds  ,
  • Jonathan Hurter  ,
  • Latika Eifert  
  • abcd Institute for Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida, USA
  • e U.S. Army Futures Command, Combat Capability Development Command-Soldier Center
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Reed D., Thomas T., Reynolds S., Hurter J., Eifert L. (2019). Deep learning of virtual-based aerial images: increasing the fidelity of serious games for live training. Proceedings of the 9th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2019), pp. 1-9. DOI:
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The aim of rapidly reconstructing high-fidelity, Synthetic Natural Environments (SNEs) may benefit from a deep learning algorithm: this paper explores how deep learning on virtual, or synthetic, terrain assets of aerial imagery can support the process of quickly and effectively recreating lifelike SNEs for military training, including serious games. Namely, a deep learning algorithm was trained on small hills, or berms, from a SNE, derived from real-world geospatial data. In turn, the deep learning algorithm’s level of classification was tested. Then, assets learned (i.e., classified) from the deep learning were transferred to a game engine for reconstruction. Ultimately, results suggest that deep learning will support automated population of highfidelity SNEs. Additionally, we identify constraints and possible solutions when utilising the commercial game engine of Unity for dynamic terrain generation.


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