European sensor system for CBRN applications

  • Magdalena Dobrowolska-Opała  , 
  • Grzegorz Gudzbeler  
  • ab University of Warsaw, Poland
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Dobrowolska-Opała M., Gudzbeler G. (2019). European sensor system for CBRN applications.
Proceedings of the 9th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation
Workshop (DHSS 2019), pp. 16-22. DOI:
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The paper presents the analysis of the EU-SENSE project as an example of European Union (EU) response to global threats in the field of chemical attacks. CBRN risks are noticed by EU which tries to handle them via many different actions, among others by encouraging small and medium enterprises, applied researches centers, industry and academic research to actively take part in establishing systems, both in detection and training modules. The EU-SENSE project meets all these requirements, hence it is a perfect example for the analysis of this type of projects, especially in relation to the methodology of collection of user requirements and development of the definition of key performance parameters.


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