Reactivity to crisis situations in the transport sector

  • Jan Mrazek  , 
  • Martin Hromada  , 
  • c Lucia Mrazkova Duricova  
  • abc Tomas Bata University in Zlin
Cite as
Mrazek J., Hromada M.,Mrazkova Duricova L. (2019). Reactivity to crisis situations in the transport sector. Proceedings of the 9th International Defense and Homeland Security
Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2019), pp. 47-50. DOI:
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The article deals with the response to crisis situations in road transport. Crisis situations are recorded in every critical infrastructure sector. Road transport is no exception. The material transported annually records the growth. The planning of the transport does not take into account the risk of the planned route or the categorization of the transport unit. When categorizing the transport unit the limited choice of suitable routes. The article is focused on real-time responsiveness to crisis situations. The purpose is to minimize next risks that could result in more and more serious events when one crisis situation arises.


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