Representation of a convolutional neuronal network as a high level parallel composition applied to the recognition of DNA sequences

  • M. Rossainz-López  ,
  • S. Zúñiga-Herrera  ,
  • M. Capel-Tuñón  ,
  • I. Pineda-Torres  
  • a,b,d Faculty of Computer Science, Autonomous University of Puebla, San Claudio Avenue and South 14th Street, San Manuel, Puebla, Puebla, 72000, México
  • c Software Engineering Department, College of Informatics and Telecommunications ETSIIT, University of Granada, Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, Granada 18071, Spain
Cite as
Rossainz-López M., Zúñiga-Herrera S., Capel-Tuñón M., Pineda-Torres I. (2019). Representation of a Convolutional Neuronal Network as a High Level Parallel Composition Applied to the Recognition of DNA Sequences. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2019.emss.001.


This work proposes the use of Structured Parallel Programming using the process communication pattern called Pipeline in its version of High-Level Parallel Composition (HLPC) to implement a process composition that represents a convolutional neuronal network or CNN and that is used to solve a specific problem of DNA sequences. The HLPC Pipeline-CNN is then shown, which represents the implementation of a convolutional neural network making use of the three types of parallel objects that make up an HLPC: A manager object, one or more stage objects and a collector object. The manager object represents the HLPC itself and makes an encapsulated abstraction out of it that hides the internal structure, the stage objects are objects of a specific purpose, in charge of encapsulating an client-server type interface that settles down between the manager and the slave-objects and the collector object that is an object in charge of storing the results received from the stage objects to which is connected. To show the usefulness and performance of the HLPC Pipeline-CNN implemented, it was used in the recognition of DNA sequences from a database with 4 types of hepatitis C virus (type 1, 2, 3 and 6). The results of this classification were obtained in terms of percentages of training precision and validation precision, as well as performance results in terms of speedup from 1000 to 4000 training steps with 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 exclusive processors in one parallel machine of up to 64 processors with shared-distributed memory.


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