Complexity analysis of the future car for automotive logistics

  • Konrad Pawlikowski  ,
  • Michael Toth  
  • a Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • b Department of Business and Management, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany
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Pawlikowski K., Toth M. (2019). Complexity analysis of the future car for automotive logistics. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 154-161. DOI:


The automotive industry has to manage radical changes. Especially, the complexity of parts and variants changed by the technological trends e-mobility and the increasing introduction of intelligent assistance systems that are based on embedded systems. Moreover, not only the car complexity is affected. To realise the impact of change, a holistic complexity analysis of the product car has to be done. Such analysis is particularly relevant for logistics, which acts as a cross-divisional function between technology development, procurement, production, sales and after-sales. Therefore, this contribution presents identified impact areas in the field of the automotive logistics followed by developed indicators to realise an approach for a holistic complexity analysis. This is necessary to identify impacts on logistics processes, e.g. sourcing strategies.


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