Simulation of the delivery system for the Bicipuma bike-sharing system in UNAM-Mexico

  • C. García Cerrud  ,
  • A. M. Pérez Silva  ,
  • V. Olvera Rodríguez  ,
  •  d F. I. Soler Anguiano  ,
  • I. Flores de la Mota  
  • a,b,c Maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas, UNAM-MÉXICO, Mexico
  • d,e Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM-MÉXICO, Mexico
Cite as
Garcia Cerrud C., Perez Silva A.M., Olvera Rodriguez V., Soler Anguiano F.I., Flores de la Mota I. (2019). Simulation of the delivery system for the Bicipuma bike-sharing system in UNAM-Mexico. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 191-199. DOI:


This paper analyzes the delivery of units by the users of Bicipuma so that the accomplishment of this task is done quickly and efficiently for the modules with the highest demand. The aim of the proposal is to create a delivery system by aids of simulation in which the times required are minimal, improving the quality of service to users.


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