Simulation of baggage delivery management for an increase in demand in a Mexican airport

  • Karla Elizabeth Brambila Loza  ,
  • Ann Godelieve Wellens  ,
  • Sonia Karina Pérez Juárez  
  • a,b,c Posgrado de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Cite as
Brambila Loza K.E., Wellens A.G., Pérez Juárez S.K. (2019). Simulation of baggage delivery management for an increase in demand in a Mexican airport. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 268-275. DOI:


One of the airport operations that define customer satisfaction is baggage handling. This document analyzes baggage logistics once the plane lands. We used SIMIO® to construct a simulation model for the baggage delivery process in a Mexican airport, used to assess the associated degree of comfort and processing time. In this preliminary study, IATA performance indicators were used to determine the service classification for the baggage claim unit and the overall baggage processing time for two scenarios. The first one considers the arrival of two A320 arriving a few minutes apart; the second one considers two A321 aircraft in the same conditions. Simulation results confirm that PBC’s current operating conditions, aircraft types and flight frequencies allow the airport to have an acceptable service and comfort level in the baggage claim area. However, an increase in passenger demand can lower passenger comfort significantly, as the current baggage claim band violates IATA standards and is underdimensioned.


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