Selecting an optimal program mean, we compare in detail two off-the-shelf computer-aided design software: optoelectronic VPIphotonics Design Suite and microwave-electronic NI AWRDE by designing a realistic microwave-photonics-based fiber-optics link including two widespread microwave-bandwidth optoelectronic devices at the transmitting end such as direct intensity modulating semiconductor laser and external intensity modulating electro-absorption modulator. In the result, the qualitative comparison of possibilities showed that NI AWRDE-based approach generally provides broader and deeper functionality, and the single critical shortcoming of it is the absence of any built-in photonic models. Nevertheless, the quantitative comparison on the example of transmitting 2.5 Gbit/s 16-QAM signals at radio-frequency carrier of 25 GHz along the same fiber-optics link showed a relatively close coincidence for the quality of digital radio signal transmission, which indicates the possibility of modeling in any of the software environments.
Microwave Photonics | Fiber-Optic Link | Computer-Aided Design | Directly Modulated Semiconductor Laser | Electro-Absorption Modulator