Towards more efficient multiclass AUC computations

  • Stephan Dreiseitl  
  • a University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, Austria
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Dreiseitl S. (2019). Towards more efficient multiclass AUC computations. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 327-331. DOI:


The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) can be used to assess the discriminatory power of a dichotomous classifier model. Extending this measure to more than two classes is not obvious, and a number of variants have been proposed in the literature. We investigate a heuristic approximation to a method that generalizes the notion of probabilities being correctly ordered, which is equivalent to AUC, to an arbitrary number of classes. While the exact method is computationally complex, we propose a much simpler heuristic that is linear in the number of classes for every combination of data points. Using one artificial and one real-world data set, we demonstrate empirically that this simple heuristic can provide good approximations to the exact method, with Pearson correlation coefficients between 0.85 and 0.998 across all data sets.


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