VRP complex network analysis and simulation

  • Gabriel Policroniades Chípuli  ,
  • Idalia Flores de la Mota  ,
  • Javier Lara de Paz  ,
  •  d Sashiko Sihirai Reyna  
  • a,b,c,d Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
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Policroniades Chípuli G., Flores de la Mota I., Lara de Paz J., Shirai Reyna O. S. (2019). VRP complex network analysis and simulation. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 342-351. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2019.emss.048.


When carrying out a systemic analysis of a distribution network, it is possible to identify controllable and noncontrollable factors for decision makers, when the system being disaggregated into greater levels of detail, which may affect compliance with a deterministic routing plan. Some of these factors, to mention a few, may include late deliveries of raw material, unexpected transportation failures, unexpected closures of some distribution center; among others. If this type of analysis is combined with a topological analysis of the network as complex one, then it will be possible to develop more robust networks that can deal with a greater number of adversities. Identifying the topological analysis as an opportunity niche for the elaboration of possible scenarios to improve the flow through the entire network. These scenarios have been simulated in SIMIO. One way to mix both principles, is possible to find in the method proposed by authors. A case study is shown in the automotive industry.


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