Utilization of computer simulation for solution of food-control resevoir protection function

  • Jan Fikejz  ,
  • Ladislav Roušar  ,
  • Tomáš Zachoval  
  • a,c Department of Software Technologies, FEI, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
  • b VHRoušar, s.r.o., Pardubice, Czech Republic
Cite as
Fikejz J., Roušar L., Zachoval T. (2019). Utilization of computer simulation for solution of food-control resevoir protection function. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 359-363. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2019.emss.050.


This article deals with the use of a computer simulation to solve the protective function of a flood-control reservoir as a support tool for flood wave transformation. Attention is primarily focused on the design and implementation of a simulation tool enabling to implement selected mathematical approach for numerical solution of the balance equation of inflow, outflow and retention of water in the reservoir. The designed software tool is then used for the selected experiment of transformation of theoretical flood wave by flood-control reservoir.


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