Conceptual model of supply chain in risky environment: case study

  • Peter Mensah  ,
  • b Yuri Merkuryev  , 
  • Jelena Pecherka  , 
  • d Francesco Longo 
  • a,b,cRiga Technical University, Department of Modeling and Simulation, 1 Kalku Street, Riga, LV-1658, Latvia
  • dModeling & Simulation Center, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, 87036, Rende, Italy
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Mensah P., Merkuryev Y., Pecherka J., Longo F. (2019). Conceptual model of supply chain in risky environment: case study. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2019), pp. 28-34. DOI:


The supply chain faces uncertainties, especially with the flow of products and information that may affect the productivity, revenue and competitive advantages of many organizations. It is therefore necessary for these organizations to be agile and resilient enough to meet with these uncertainties so that they may be managed appropriately or even avoided. In a publication by Mensah (2014), the authors introduce a theoretical approach where the „conceptualization of risks for subsequent simulation-based analysis‟ is evaluated. This includes the description of a generic conceptual model of a retail node‟ followed by the introduction of performance indicators relevant for simulation base analysis. Hence, a concept for further studies from a practical point of view has now arisen. This article therefore introduces a new case study where the flow of products in a real company is conceptualized for simulation base analysis to raise the awareness of the organization in case of uncertainties.


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