A conceptual model for assessing the impact of Internet-of-Things technologies for people with reduced mobility in airports

  • Juan José Herrera Martín  , 
  • ván Castilla Rodrígue  
  • a,bDepartamento de Ingeniería Informática y de Sistemas. Universidad de La Laguna
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Herrera Martín J.J., Castilla Rodríguez I. (2019). A conceptual model for assessing the impact of Internet-of-Things technologies for people with reduced mobility in airports. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2019), pp. 41-46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2019.hms.006


The European Union has regulated by law the elimination of barriers to guarantee the right to free movement, freedom of choice and non-discrimination of people with reduced mobility (PRM). This regulation also affects air transport. More specifically, airports of the member states must offer a quality assistance service to PRM, with the adequate human and technical resources to guarantee their rights. The changing characteristics of the operation of an airport (delays, cancellations, breakdowns, etc.) add great complexity to the design and management of a PRM service. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies pose a unique opportunity to integrate new services and solutions to deal with these problems. This work focuses on the use of modeling and simulation techniques for the evaluation of the impact of the incorporation of new IoT-based elements (such as autonomous vehicles, smart devices and 5G-enabled systems), for the improvement of the PRM service.


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