A multi-agent system with blockchain for container stacking and dispatching

  • Henesey Lawrence  , 
  • b Lizneva Yulia  , 
  • cAnwar Mahwish 
  • a,b,cBlekinge Institute of Technology, Karlshamn, Sweden
Cite as
Henesey L., Lizeneva Y., Anwar M. (2019). A multi-agent system with blockchain for container stacking and dispatching. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2019), pp. 79-87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2019.hms.011


Port Logistical Supply chains play a very important role in society. Their complex and adaptive behaviours promote the suggested applications of combining a multiagent system with blockchain for solving complex problems. Several technologies have been proven positively to work in logistics, however the concept of combining converging technologies such as blockchain with deep reinforcement multi agent is viewed as a novel approach to solving the complexity that is associated with many facets of logistics. A simulator was developed and tested for the problem of container stacking. The simulation results indicate a more robust approach to currently used tools and methods.


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