Bond Graphs based formation control of holonomic robots

  • Matías Nacusse  , 
  • b Martín Crespo  , 
  • c Sergio Junco 
  • a,b,cLaboratorio de Automatización y Control (LAC), Departamento de Control, FCEIA, UNR. Rosario, Argentina
  • bCONICET: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina
Cite as
Nacusse M., Crespo M., Junco S. (2019). Bond Graphs based formation control of holonomic robots. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation (IMAACA 2019), pp. 38-47. DOI:


This paper tackles the problem of formation control for a group of holonomic vehicles using the Bond Graphs formalism. The control law design follows an energy based approach in which the agents are connected each other by means of virtual springs and dampers. The obtained control law is then robustified using a disturbance observer. The properties are studied in the port Hamiltonian (pH) formalism which allows to show hat the resulting closed-loop system is l2 weakly string stable with respect to disturbances. The desired behavior of the closed-loop system is illustrated with some numerical simulation experiments.


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