Physician/patient relationship following hospital discharge – new methods of therapeutic and care continuity

  • Rosella Ciliberti  , 
  • b Alessandro Bonsignore  , 
  • c Liliana Lorettu  , 
  • d Maurizio Secchi  , 
  • e Michele Minuto  , 
  • f Pierluigi Santi  , 
  • g Ilaria Baldelli 
  • a,bDepartment of Health Sciences (DISSAL) - University of Genova, Italy
  • cDepartment of Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences - University of Sassari - AOU Sassari, Italy
  • dExprivia- Italtel - Milano, Italy
  • e,f,gDepartment of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics (DISC), University of Genova, Italy; San Martino Polyclinic Hospital - IRCCS for Oncology, Genova, Italy
Cite as
Ciliberti R., Bonsignore A., Lorettu L., Secchi M. E., Minuto M., Santi P., Baldelli I. (2019). Physician/patient relationship following hospital discharge – new methods of therapeutic and care continuity. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2019), pp. 70-76. DOI:


Healthcare organization aims to shorten hospitalization times, both to facilitate patient turnover and to avoid the risks of the nosocomial environment. Between March and September 2018, patients that were discharged after hospitalization for scheduled reconstructive breast surgery were given a portable device with the Dr. Link app installed, created to allow real-time communication with physicians. Patients and physicians completed a satisfaction survey on their experience with the use of the device. Analysis shows overall patient satisfaction in terms of improvement in relationships and quality of life. Physicians reported more responsible patient behaviour, better compliance, and earlier treatment of complications. Continuous interactive assistance can improve the discharged patient’s quality of life and therapeutic path. However, the device risks becoming a negative tool if the health care professional has not made the proper initial emotional investment in the relationship, delegating the totality of the therapeutic relationship to the tablet.


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