Implementation of a sensorized neonatal head model for gynechological training

  • Alessandro De Gloria  , 
  • Marco Chirico  , 
  • c Claudio Launo  , 
  • d Riccardo Berta  , 
  • Francesco Bellotti  , 
  • Giuseppe Gioco  , 
  • Ivan Carmosino 
  • a,d,eD.I.T.E.N - University of Genoa, Italy
  • bSimAv - University of Genoa, Italy
  • cDIMI – University of Genoa, Italy
  • fWondertech srl, Italy
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De Gloria A., Chirico M., Launo C., Berta R., Bellotti F., Gioco G., Carmosino I. (2019). 3D software simulator for primary care training. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2019), pp. 114-119. DOI:


Medical software simulators are used to teach specific procedures that allow the user to follow only a strict sequence of steps without the possibility of alternative, avoiding considering the consequence of an error and then potentially admitting its tolerance. Usually these applications are a state machine implementation where learners must make a specific action to obtain a specific result. In our work we propose a brand-new approach with a “open world” serious game medical simulator, based on Agent Based Model Paradigm. Starting by these concepts, a user can learn and test his skills in a dynamic environment that changes in real time based on his actions. We provide a configurable starting set of conditions (patient heath state, available medical instruments and drugs) to create, potentially, infinite scenarios; alongside these boundary values the game permits to configure real time events that influence patient in an unpredictable way by the user side.


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