Towards the semi-automatic adaptation of simulated virtual laboratory experiments

  • Athanasios Sypsas  ,
  • Dimitris Kalles  
  • ab Hellenic Open University, Greece
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Sypsas A., Kalles D. (2019). Towards the semi-automatic adaptation of simulated virtual laboratory experiments. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 1-5. DOI:
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Since real-world problems are complex a system model is usually required in advance to be built for such a problem to be properly investigated. Virtual laboratories constitute a special category of simulations and are based on models of physical laboratories and the experimental processes carried out therein. Similar experiments can be adapted to suit various learners’ needs if they can be transformed to satisfy the expected learning outcomes for each audience. We compare such experimental procedures using the Activity Diagrams which correspond to these experiments, in order to detect differences between them. These differences are, then, used for the required transformation of the experimental steps. The algorithm implemented uses a uses a BFS-like traversal to detect the differences between Activity Diagrams. The evaluation of the distance between the Activity Diagrams is carried out by the user and the possible needed transformation is decided to meet the learning outcomes in the educational environment selected by the user, educator or learner.


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