Machine learning techniques applied to industrial engineering: a multi criteria approach

  • Fabio De Felice  , 
  • b Antonella Petrillo  , 
  • c Marta Travaglioni  , 
  • d Giuseppina Piscitelli  , 
  • e Raffaele Cioffi 
  • a Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
  • bcde Department of Engineering - University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy
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De Felice F., Travaglioni M., Piscitelli G., Cioffi R., Petrillo A. (2019). Machine learning techniques applied to industrial engineering: a multi criteria approach. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 44-54.
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With the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) beginning, the world is witnessing an important technological development. The success of I4.0 is linked to the implementation of enabling technologies, including Machine Learning, which focuses on the machines’ ability to receive a series of data and learn on their own. The present research aims to systematically analyze the existing literature on the subject in various aspects, including publication year, authors, scientific sector, country, institution and keywords. Understanding and analyzing the existing literature on Machine Learning applied to predictive maintenance is preparatory to recommend policy on the subject.


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