Integration of process mining techniques in simulation results analysis

  • Irīna Šitova  , 
  • b Jeļena Pečerska  
  • ab Riga Technical University, Latvia
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Šitova I., Pečerska J. (2019). Integration of process mining techniques in simulation results analysis. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 55-63. DOI:
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The research is carried out in the area of analysis of simulation results. The aim of this research is to explore the applicability of process mining techniques, and to introduce the process mining techniques integration into results analysis of discrete-event system simulations. As soon as the dynamic discrete-event system simulation (DESS) is based on events list or calendar, most of simulators provide the events lists. These events lists are interpreted as event logs in this research, and are used for process mining. The information from the events list is analysed to extract process-related information and perform in-depth process analysis. Event log analysis verified applicability of the proposed approach. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that process mining techniques in simulation results analysis provide a possibility to reveal new knowledge about the performance of the system, and to find the parameter values providing the advisable performance.


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