Simulation-based analysis of inventory levels for low demand spare parts in a cooperative inventory pooling-system

  • Yannic Hafner  , 
  • b Christian Looschen  , 
  • c Johannes Fottner  
  • abc Technical University of Munich, Germany
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Hafner Y., Looschen C., Fottner J. (2019). Simulation-based analysis of inventory levels for low demand spare parts in a cooperative inventory pooling-system. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 72-78. DOI:
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Due to their systemic relevance, a high availability of intralogistics systems is crucial. This requires the stockpiling of capital-intensive spare parts. Strategies are therefore needed to reduce the severe capital commitment for spare parts management. No practical recommendations and solutions for this problem are available however. This contribution describes strategies and procedures for a cooperative inventory poolingsystem and our model of a simulation-based analysis of inventory levels for low demand spare parts in these systems. We determine that companies can gain benefits and greatly lower their inventory level and associated costs when cooperating in spare parts management. Furthermore, we investigated effects of changing network compositions while cooperating over time.


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