An integrated simulation-based construction crew allocation and trade-off with energy and carbon footprint

  • Hadia Awad  , 
  • b Mustafa Gül  , 
  • c Osama Mohsen  , 
  • d Simaan AbouRizk  
  • abcd Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
Cite as
Awad H., Gül M., Mohsen O., AbouRizk S. (2019). An integrated simulation-based construction crew allocation and trade-off with energy and carbon footprint. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 117-126. DOI:
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On-site construction in winter consumes a considerable amount of energy and emits a significant volume of greenhouse gases, especially in cold regions. It has been reported that on-site winter heating accounts for 34% of carbon emissions of the framing phase for panelized house construction. In this paper, in order to quantify and analyze carbon emissions from on-site construction, the on-site panelized construction process is simulated in a combined discrete and continuous event simulation model based on which the possibility of reducing activity durations are investigated for the aim of reducing emissions. The integrated simulation methodology is demonstrated using case studies in Edmonton, Canada. Carbon emission which includes propane consumption for winter heating and diesel consumption for on-site mobile equipment and vehicles is calculated. Historical temperature data is analyzed to simulate weather behavior. Results show that on-site heating is the largest contributor to carbon emissions in panelized construction.


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